Monday, March 3, 2008

basic use models

These are basic models for the one armed knitting project, Indi-knit. And yes these two both work. Some critique I've received so far is concern with skirts, thinking about building an outside armature or attaching it to tables/chairs rather than the body, and the aesthetics.

I'm definitely thinking about changing the design to make it more beautiful like something from lantern moon or a hand artisan rather than medical equipment. Knitting is all about touch and the sensuality of objects almost to the point of a fetish.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

research and work

This is an excerpt from a book with resources for the handicapped and disabled from the seventies. Disappointingly, it's segment on people with upper limb issues was only a page and a half. Nice idea though if anyone out there is having some arthritis problems - the also recommend those triangular pencil sleeves as well.

Here is a basic pdf of how the project is developing so far (including a history of commonly used tools for one-handers):

I'm currently working on defining the project scope a little more clearly, creating a booklet to present my concept to local hospitals and persons to try and find people who may be willing to work with me. Below are two pages of concept sketches I've been working on which lead me to realize my main goal for the project is to make sure people can already use what they have. I don't want anyone to have to buy a new set of needles just to use this.

More sketches to follow soon.

Monday, February 4, 2008

An Introduction

I've started this blog as a way to gain commentary and get more people involved with my senior thesis project: knitting for people who are only able to use one side of their body. One Armed Knitting.

The project started out of research for a friend's aunt who had lost use of one-side of her body from her stroke. Her request was that he try and help her find a way to knit again. After looking at the slim solutions available: a table/wheel chair clamp that holds the needle, traditional knitting belts, or knitting sheaths. It made me wonder that their must be something better out there, something for people with or without their arm.

My goal is to design something that is durable, clean, has maximum quality at a minimum cost(environmental and monetary), and allows for an ease of use. I want to design every aspect of the item: the packaging, how it is attached, how it is used; in a way that the person isn't dependent on anyone else to use the tool.

What I'm looking for are:
-Stories (tell me about yourself or the people you know who could use something like this; tell me what you've seen rigged up or what you've made to do this)
-Responses (try and give brutally honest feedback)
Please feel free to leave them as comments or email me at halfbisqued[AT]gmail[DOT]com